Setting up a PostgreSQL database
Questions can be asked in the comments telegram: TG: fitgame
Database tables#
Structure users_social:
- id: integer id (AUTO_INCREMENT)
- social_type: character varying type platform (vk/ok/yandex)
- social_id: character varying id of platform
Structure users:
- id: integer id
- json_data: json basic data in JSON format
- points: integer player points, rating, etc.
Keys and indexes#
Keys and indexes in users_social:
- PRIMARY id (created automatically)
- UNIQUE social_type, social_id (for queries on these parameters)
Keys and indexes in users:
- PRIMARY id (for queries by id)
- INDEX points (for rating requests)
Create a profile#
Stored procedure for creating a player profile
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_user(in_social json, in_user json) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE _user_id integer; in_inventory JSON; BEGIN INSERT INTO users_social (social_type, social_id) VALUES(in_social->>'type',in_social->>'social_id') RETURNING id INTO _user_id; INSERT INTO users(id, json_data, points) VALUES(_user_id, (in_user->>'json_data')::json, ((in_user->>'json_data')::json->>'points')::int); RETURN _user_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
select create_user('{"type": "vk", "social_id": 1}', '{"json_data": {"name": "FITGAME", "gold": 100, "energy": 50, "points": 100}}');
Getting a profile#
Stored procedure to get id based on site type and site id
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_social_info(in_social JSONB) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE _user_id integer = 0; BEGIN SELECT id INTO _user_id FROM users_social WHERE social_type = (in_social->>'type') AND social_id = (in_social->>'social_id'); IF _user_id IS NULL THEN _user_id = 0; END IF; RETURN _user_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE;
select get_social_info('{"type":"vk", "social_id": "1"}');
Stored procedure to retrieve profile data based on ID
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_user_info(in_user_id integer) RETURNS JSONB AS $$ DECLARE out_json JSONB = '{}'; BEGIN SELECT row_to_json(row) INTO out_json FROM (SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = in_user_id) row; IF out_json IS NULL THEN out_json = '{}'; END IF; RETURN out_json; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE;
select get_user_info(1);
Stored procedure to get all profile data based on site type and site ID
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_user_info_2 (in_social JSONB) RETURNS JSONB AS $$ DECLARE out_json JSONB = '{}'; BEGIN SELECT row_to_json(row) INTO out_json FROM (SELECT * FROM users JOIN users_social ON = WHERE social_type = (in_social->>'type') AND social_id = (in_social->>'social_id')) row; IF out_json IS NULL THEN out_json = '{}'; END IF; RETURN out_json; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE;
select get_user_info_2('{"type":"vk", "social_id": "1"}');
Profile update#
Stored procedure to update player profile
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_user(in_user_id integer, in_user JSONB) RETURNS boolean AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE users SET json_data = (in_user->>'json_data')::json, points = ((in_user->>'json_data')::json->>'points')::int WHERE id = in_user_id; RETURN TRUE; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
select update_user(1, '{"json_data": {"name": "FITGAME", "gold": 100, "energy": 50, "points": 300}}');
Top of the best#
Stored procedure to update player profile
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_top(in_type text, in_val integer) RETURNS JSONB AS $$ DECLARE out_json JSONB = '{}'; json_list JSONB; place_num JSONB; BEGIN IF in_type = 'points' THEN SELECT json_agg(row_to_json(t)) INTO json_list FROM ( SELECT json_data FROM users ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT 100 ) t; SELECT count(1) INTO place_num FROM users WHERE points >= in_val; END IF; IF json_list IS NOT NULL THEN out_json = jsonb_set(out_json, '{list}', json_list, true); ELSE out_json = jsonb_set(out_json, '{list}', '[]', true); END IF; IF place_num IS NOT NULL THEN out_json = jsonb_set(out_json, '{pos}', place_num, true); ELSE out_json = jsonb_set(out_json, '{pos}', -1, true); END IF; RETURN out_json; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE;
select get_top('points', 5);